In 2007, we compiled a listing of THE TOP 200 BIGGEST TWO-SIDED HITS OF ALL-TIME as one of our FORGOTTEN HITS Special Features. Along with Chart Statistician Randy Price ... (Thanks, Randy ... we couldn't have done it without you!!!) ... we mathematically calculated this list based on the TOTAL number of points accumulated by the national chart rankings of BOTH sides of these records, released between 1955 and 1979. In other words, this is NOT a popularity contest ... but rather an accurate, mathematical assessment of the national charts for this period. (You'll find some 'HONORABLE MENTIONS' at the end of this list ... primarily records that were disqualified for one reason or another or simply fell short of the required number of points required to make THE TOP 200 ... in fact, you'll be AMAZED at some of the titles that didn't score enough points to rank higher on the list, proving just how popular TWO-SIDED HITS really were in the early days of rock and roll. We just felt that many of THESE singles ALSO warranted some 'special attention' based on being pressed on the same piece of wax.) This list is Copyright KENT KOTAL / FORGOTTEN HITS, 2007 - 2008, and may NOT be reproduced in ANY fashion without the express written consent of these parties. Again ... in an effort to improve the quality of oldies radio, CONTACT US!!! This would make for some EXCELLENT programming, whether it be a special countdown or holiday weekend feature. (In fact, CITIZEN BILL of FUN 92.7 has been featuring one of our TWO-SIDED HITS every Sunday Night on HIS program for MONTHS now!!! You can check it out here):